God 29

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Sion, holding a sword.

Irina, drawing a bow, looked at each other.

A bright blue aura began to emanate from Sion’s fists.

It was mana.

A system prompt appeared before Han’s eyes as he watched the scene.

[Mana is a powerful force that draws out the vitality of the body, manifesting superhuman strength.]

[Sion now possesses physical abilities far superior to those of ordinary elves and has also mastered superior enhancement techniques.]

[He will become a great warrior.]

[New unique traits added to character ‘Sion’]

[1. Body Enhancement: Enhances physical abilities significantly by channeling mana into the body. Strength and agility increase greatly depending on the adjustment.]

[2. Weapon Enhancement: Allows imbuing weapons and shields with mana to enhance them. Increases durability and elasticity.]

Sion was no longer an ordinary elf.

He had become a warrior with outstanding physical abilities.

Suddenly, the blue light that traveled down Sion’s arm turned the wooden sword blue.

It was the exclusive ability of physical-type awakeners, ‘Weapon Enhancement.’

Irina, who had been watching Sion with concern, asked.

“Shall I shoot now, Sion?”

“Of course, sister. Please do!”

“Just… once, right?”


Sion replied energetically.

At that, Irina slowly drew back the bowstring.

She aimed slightly to the right above Sion’s head, a bit off to the side.

Sion had asked her to shoot an arrow so that it would pass close to him.

He wanted to test how much agility and strength his enhanced body possessed.


Calmness settled in Irina’s eyes.

She exhaled and held her breath.

Her hand, which had momentarily seemed frozen, released the bowstring.


Irina’s arrow flew rapidly through the air.

Just as it was about to pass over Sion.


Sion, having spotted Irina’s arrow, swung the wooden sword.


With a sound, the sword struck the arrowhead, deflecting it.


A look of surprise flashed in her eyes.


Even Han, who was watching, was astonished by the perfect defense.

But that was just the beginning.

“Sister, I can see it so clearly. It seemed a bit slow…”

“D-did it seem slow to you?”

Irina was flustered.

Even though she had held back slightly, an arrow was still an arrow.

Yet Sion had easily caught it and even counterattacked.

It was astounding.

“More, please! One shot isn’t enough!”


At Sion’s request, Irina drew her bowstring again.

This time, it seemed she had no intention of holding back.

Her eyes grew more serious than before.


In that moment, the arrow was shot.

This time, it wasn’t just for fun.

Arrows were fired in succession, not just one.

However, Sion’s body spun like a top, deflecting all the arrows in every direction.

This was truly incredible reflexes.

“Wow, that’s amazing!”

Han, who had been watching, let out a chuckle.

Perfect reflexes, excellent physique, and swift speed.

At this level, he seemed even more skilled than most hunters.

He truly felt like a superhuman.


The next day.

Han called for Yumina.


Yumina blinked and stared at him.

Han gestured to her.

“What’s the matter?”

Unlike her initially timid demeanor, there was no sign of fear towards Han’s large hand in her eyes anymore.

She was still shy, but that was it.

“Well, you see.”

Han smiled.

“This time, it’s your turn, Yumina.”

Han extended his hand towards the approaching Yumina.

In his large palm, just like with Sion before, a blue mana flickered like smoke.

Irina and Sion, who were watching, seemed to catch on.

“…Could it be?”

“It looks like the Lord is going to bestow his blessing again.”

Excitement showed in their eyes.

The elves’ long ears perked up, displaying a peculiar sense of anticipation.

Han waited patiently.

It was a gesture of consideration for the timid Yumina.

Soon, Yumina gently touched the tip of Han’s little finger.

Her actions were as small and cautious as her quiet and timid nature.


Soon, just like with Sion, the essence of mana in Han’s hand began to flow into Yumina’s hand.

“Uh, uh….”

Yumina began to tremble as if feeling something.

Her body soon started to glow blue.

It was the same as what had happened with Sion.

However, this time, the development was a bit different.

An alert appeared before his eyes.

[A branching choice has occurred!]

It was a system alert.


[You can choose one of two magic classes. Please select the path for ‘Yumina’!]

[1. Offensive Mage]

[2. Summoner Mage]

“What is this?”

A completely unexpected choice appeared.

He was momentarily flustered.

Instead, he carefully examined choices 1 and 2.

“System, I understand what an Offensive Mage is… but what is a Summoner Mage?”

[It is the ability to handle summoned creatures with whom a contract has been made.]

He understood. But…

“But a summoner? Doesn’t that mean you need summoned creatures to use this ability?”

[That is not correct. Please check your surroundings.]

“…My surroundings?”

He looked around.

He saw the young dire wolf pups panting and looking up at him.

They were eagerly wagging their tails.

“Could it be?”

He had a hunch.

Phantasmal beasts, summoned beasts.

There was only one target the system could be pointing to.

“Could it be the ability to handle these young pups?”

[Correct. For instance, it is possible to rapidly grow young dire wolf pups to the adult dire wolf stage you’ve seen before.]

“Uh… could you explain this in more detail? It’s not against the rules, is it? Haha.”

Han asked as politely as possible.

The system had dodged his questions many times before, citing fairness.

Fortunately, this time was different.

The system provided a detailed explanation.

[The difference between a pure mage and a summoner mage lies in the direction of their magic.]

“Direction? What do you mean?”

[A mage focuses solely on pure firepower and magic, whereas a summoner mage shares basic spells but also handles summoning beasts, providing support and enhancements. For example, they can use offensive spells like fireballs and growth magic for young dire wolves simultaneously, turning them into formidable combat assets.]

…He understood.

At first, they both shared common magic.

They were likely similar in many ways.

But here, their paths diverged slightly.

A mage focuses purely on magic, while a summoner mage uses support magic and enhances summoned beasts for combat.

There was a difference in their focus.

“So it’s like a summoner from our world.”


“But unlike those classes, this type can enhance even pups to be immediately useful in combat?”

[Precisely correct.]


Han’s eyes sparkled.

There was only one choice.

It was almost predetermined.

From Noah, Lua, to Mia, there were three young dire wolves.

If they could rapidly grow to adult size?

That would add three more combatants.

It was an obvious choice for Han.



When he turned to the voice, he saw Yumina looking at him.



Oops, he had been too engrossed in the system conversation.

Looking around, he saw the other elves also watching him.

“Sorry, Yumina, I kept you standing still for too long.”

Swoosh. Swoosh.

Han patted Yumina on the head.

Her lips curved slightly upward.


He spoke.

“I’ve made my decision.”

[Which option will you choose?]

“Number 2. Summoner Mage, please.”


But for some reason, the system, quite rarely, expressed its emotions plainly this time.

[A wise choice.]

…He was momentarily surprised, his eyes widening slightly.

He had never expected the system to show its emotions.

But soon, a smile appeared on Han’s lips as well.




Yumina closed her eyes and began to concentrate.

At that moment, Noah, the eldest of the dire wolf pups, started to grow rapidly.

His fur expanded, and his body became enormous.

His front and hind paws grew as large as an elf’s head.

Just like the large and fierce adult dire wolf they had encountered before.


Han’s mouth fell open.

It was an incredible transformation.

To think such a young pup could rapidly grow to adult size?

It was truly amazing, he thought as the realization struck him.


Yumina seemed to have exhausted her energy and lost focus.

Noah’s body quickly shrank back to its original size.

“Oh, it’s undone.”


A characteristics window for Yumina appeared before Han’s eyes.

[Yumina’s exceptional magical talents will now shine. Additionally, the animals of nature will always be with her.]

[New unique traits added to character ‘Yumina’:]

[1. Fire Ball: Concentrates mental energy to perform a long-range fire-based attack.]

[2. Sharing of the Wild: Harmonizes with animals of nature, understanding their thoughts and cooperating with them. As she advances, she can handle stronger beasts.]

[3. Beast Enhancement: Significantly enhances natural animals. Pups grow into full-sized adults, and adults grow into even more powerful higher-tier forms.]

Beast Enhancement.

It was the most decisive power among Yumina’s various abilities.

An excellent ability that empowers the beasts around her.

Moreover, there was an unexpected additional effect.

“Can she really befriend all types of monster species?”

[Correct. Starting from small animals like rabbits and deer, to dire wolves, bears, and wolves. Additionally, it has the potential to handle transcendent species such as dragons or giga worms.]

Giga worms. Giga worms indeed.

Han recalled the gigantic creature he had seen not long ago.

A summoner capable of handling such large monsters would certainly be a force of nature.

Summoner Mage.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was the right choice.

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